Our Special Events
Lalor North Primary School offers a wealth of extra-curricular activities, special days and special events for our students and the school community. Special days are organised throughout the year, with different themes to celebrate the wonderful diversity of our community, show case student learning, celebrate achievements, acknowledge charities and groups. Special days that occur during school times bring our whole school community together and are wonderful opportunities for multi-age learning and interaction. Students mix with all age groups and can enjoy activities together and learn new things about one another.
The following is a list of some of our special events:
- Harmony Day
- Whole School Athletics Day
- Reconciliation Week
- Footy colours Day
- Science Week
- Children’s Week
- Friendship Day
- 100 Days at school
- Book Week Parade
- Author Visits
- National Simultaneous Storytime
- Concerts
- World Environment Day
- Mother & Father’s Day Stalls
- Education Week