
We are Learning about Sustainability!
We, at Lalor North Primary School, are aware of the importance of creating opportunities for students to learn about sustainability as it allows students to develop the knowledge, skills, values and world views necessary to contribute to more sustainable patterns of living. Learning about sustainability has had an increasing local, national and global resonance. Australia’s future prosperity will be impacted by past, present and future decisions, particularly in relation to the environmental, social and economic challenges.
Through our integrated curriculum units of work students develop key understandings about the concept of sustainability and understand the ways environmental, social and economic systems interact to support and maintain human life. It allows students to critically examine the diversity of views and values that influence sustainable development. The curriculum also provides students with the opportunity to participate creatively and to see themselves as having the capacity to act in ways that will help to establish more sustainable ways of living.
At Lalor North Primary School, we are excited about creating a more responsible approach to the environment through composting, recycling and growing our own gardens. Through our units of inquiry, we are investigating how we can be proactive at our school and make a difference.